Policies & Forms
BCSP applicants, candidates, and credential holders must abide by the BCSP Bylaws and uphold the Code of Ethics.
BCSP’s Commitment to Impartiality
The Board of Certified Safety Professionals is committed to impartiality and objectivity in every aspect of our operation. We have intentionally structured ourselves to segregate responsibilities in our organization to facilitate this impartiality and objectivity. Any individual who has a recommendation on how we can improve our implementation of our commitment is encouraged to contact our Chief Executive Officer with your thought.
Non-Discrimination Policy
BCSP evaluates all candidates seeking certification without regard to religion, ethnicity, gender, age, national origin, disability, or sexual orientation.
ADA and ADAAA Compliance
It is the policy of BCSP to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA). Candidates for certification shall not suffer discrimination for having a disability as described in the ADA or ADAAA.
Policy Changes
Information regarding policy updates are recorded in the Current Changes Index as part of our effort to announce and archive any changes to our certification processes.