BCSP, BCSP Foundation, and OSHA Renew Alliance
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP), and the BCSP Foundation have renewed their collaborative relationship to foster stronger safety and health practices and programs, improving American workplaces.
Always Learning, Never DoneTim Page-Bottorff, CSP, CIT on Importance of Continually Improving
Tim Page-Bottorff, CSP, CIT on Importance of Continually Improving
A safety professional’s work is never done. At the end of the day, after all the planning, teaching, inspecting, analyzing, and a thousand other tasks are complete, there’s still one more job to do—figure out how to do it all again tomorrow, but make it a little better.
BCSP Exams Director Elected to ISSS LeadershipDave West, CSP, ASP, PE, CHMM Named as Executive Vice President
Dave West, CSP, ASP, PE, CHMM Named as Executive Vice President
This year, the ISSS membership elected its new Executive Vice President and Directors of Member Services, Publicity and Media, and Government and Intersociety Services. Newly elected Society officers and directors take office at the beginning of the Society’s fiscal year, July 1, 2021. We welcome the following to their new leadership roles within the Society. We thank all the candidates for their dedication and willingness to serve.
Take Part in Heat Awareness as Part of Safety MonthJune is National Safety Month
June is National Safety Month
Did you know, in the first few days of working in warm or hot environments the body needs to build a tolerance to heat gradually over time?
BCSP Expanding SH&E Career, Consulting and Gig Opportunities with YellowBirdCertificants Have Greater Career Paths
Certificants Have Greater Career Paths
The Board of Certified Safety Professionals® (BCSP®) and YellowBird Holdings, Inc. will use their collaborative efforts, expertise, technologies, and resources to streamline YellowBird’s on-boarding processes, benefiting BCSP credential holders.
BCSP Partners with Jordan Engineers AssociationThe Memorandum of Understanding Will Develop Leaders in SH&E
The Memorandum of Understanding Will Develop Leaders in SH&E
The Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Jordan Engineers Association (JEA). BCSP Board President Joaquin Diaz and JEA President Ahmad Qasem Al Sammarah signed the MOU virtually on May 17, solidifying a partnership between the two organizations.
BCSP is Accepting Nominations for its Board of DirectorsSubmit Your Nomination Today!
Submit Your Nomination Today!
The Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP) is actively seeking nominations from individuals who wish to be members of the BCSP Board of Directors.
Be Prepared This Hurricane SeasonDon't Be Left Out in The Storm—Hurricane Preparedness Week Begins May 10
Don't Be Left Out in The Storm—Hurricane Preparedness Week Begins May 10
Hurricane Preparedness Week sponsored by the NOAA National Weather Service begins this week, and BCSP wants to help you be prepared for a potential hurricane this year.
BCSP Collegiate eNewsletter, Issue 17 Now AvailableThe Collegiate eNewsletter Connects SH&E Professors, Students, and Recent Graduates
The Collegiate eNewsletter Connects SH&E Professors, Students, and Recent Graduates
Enjoy our latest issue of the BCSP’s Collegiate eNewsletter! This newsletter is designed to inform current SH&E students, recent graduates, and SH&E professors on the latest BCSP news!
BCSP Selects New LeadershipChristy Uden, CAE, IOM Appointed as BCSP CEO
Christy Uden, CAE, IOM Appointed as BCSP CEO
The Board of Certified Safety Professionals® (BCSP®) announced today that they have appointed Christy Uden, CAE, IOM as its next CEO. Uden has served as COO for over four years and interim CEO for the last 10 months. She brings 15 years of experience at BCSP to this role as well as a deep understanding of the safety, health, and environmental (SH&E) industry.