Protecting Your Financial Future During the COVID-19 Pandemic

BCSP recently partnered with the Financial Planners Association (FPA) to provide credential holders like you greater access to sound financial advice. The FPA recently created an eBook, Navigating the New Reality, to guide our certificants through this uncertain financial market. In this eBook you will find eight topics written by Certified Financial Planners (CFPs) designed to help you figure out the best way to navigate the market downfall caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

College Professor, Department Chair on Importance of Professional Certification

Leigh Ann Blunt, a 21-Year Educator, Understands the Importance of BCSP Certification

As Chair of the School of Geoscience, Physics, and Safety, and a Professor of Safety Sciences at the University of Central Missouri for 21 years, Leigh Ann Blunt knows the importance of safety in the workplace and professional certification. A career in safety, however, was not what she had planned for herself at an early age.

OHST and SMS examCORE Now Available

BCSP examCORE is an interactive, online pre-exam training program that provides safety, health, and environmental (SH&E) practitioners a means to build the knowledge and skills necessary for BCSP certification, covering the topics identified as essential by industry leaders.

BCSP’s recertPRO Now Available!

BCSP has created and released recertPRO, an online, subscription-based program that combines several methods of achieving recertification for BCSP certifications into one easy-to-use platform.
