BCSP examCORE Available for All Certifications

BCSP examCORE is an interactive, online exam training program that provides safety, health, and environmental (SH&E) practitioners a means to build the knowledge and skills necessary for BCSP certification, covering the topics identified as essential by industry leaders.

Stand-Down to Save Lives

September 14-18 is 2020 National Safety Stand-Down Week

Fatalities caused by falls from elevation continue to be a leading cause of death for construction employees, accounting for 320 of the 1,008 construction fatalities recorded in 2018 (BLS data). Those deaths were preventable. The National Safety Stand-Down raises fall hazard awareness across the country in an effort to stop fall fatalities and injuries.

SH&E Professor on Future of Safety Profession Post COVID-19

Lu Yuan Sc.D., CSP, Discusses How COVID-19 Has Affected the Future of SH&E

Lu Yuan Sc.D., CSP, is a Professor of Occupational Safety, Health, & Environment at Southeastern Louisiana University where he will educate his students through the unknowns of the immediate future, and the likely permanent changes of the long-term future. “COVID-19 has changed everything,” said Yuan. “It feels that the SH&E profession seems to be more important than ever.” He continued, “I think that this will continue to drive the force elevating SH&E as one of the core values for any kind of business.”

Investing in Future Practitioners Through Scholarships

BCSP Foundation and Other Organizations Offer Student Scholarships

The BCSP Foundation looks forward to continuing to provide support to young, aspiring SH&E professionals pursuing higher education, essential to effectively attaining a rewarding, lucrative future in safety. This support acknowledges that young safety professionals will be the reason for safety innovation and improvements, that they will be the reason for reduction in workplace fatalities and injuries, and we must continue to invest in the future of safety.
