Falls from elevation are one of the leading causes of death in the construction industry. According to OSHA, falls accounted for 401 of the 1,061 recorded construction fatalities in 2019.
Let’s All Stand-Down For Falls in Construction
Join us on World Day for Safety and Health at Work and Worker’s Memorial DayBCSP Foundation is Hosting a Virtual Career Fair in Honor of These Days
BCSP Foundation is Hosting a Virtual Career Fair in Honor of These Days
Today is both Workers’ Memorial Day (U.S.) and World Day for Safety and Health at Work (global). A day dedicated to remembering those who have lost their lives in the workplace, and a day dedicated to the importance of preventing accidents and illnesses at work. Today also takes on special meaning due to the emergence of the COVID-19 crisis and the effect it’s had on our workplaces.
What is the Value of the Graduate Safety Practitioner (GSP) Designation?Helpful Info About the GSP
Helpful Info About the GSP
The GSP is a designation that puts you on the path to attaining the Certified Safety Practitioner (CSP)—BCSP’s premiere safety certification. It demonstrates your knowledge and commitment to professional development, leading to greater career opportunities and higher salaries. Companies participating in the BCSP Virtual Career Fair and the American Society of Safety Practitioners (ASSP) Future Safety Leaders Conference look for it, and it sets you up for the salary boost received by CSPs.
Five Faculty Members Join the BCSP CommunityAn Exam Waiver Led to the Addition of Five New ASPs and CSPs
An Exam Waiver Led to the Addition of Five New ASPs and CSPs
BCSP is happy to announce that five safety, health, and environmental (SH&E) university faculty members became Associate Safety professionals (ASPs) or Certified Safety Professionals (CSPs) using the free exam waiver for qualified faculty that is offered to new Qualified Academic Programs (QAP) and Qualified Equivalent Programs (QEP).
A Depiction of Inspiration: Karly St. Aubin’s Journey to the SH&E ProfessionHer Father's Workplace Injuries Served As a Catalyst to Safety
Her Father's Workplace Injuries Served As a Catalyst to Safety
“I do it because I have a deep and profound respect for the people that put their health on the line every day to serve.”
Keeping Teen Workers Safe is Everyone’s Job!Join us in promoting the #KeepTeenWorkersSafe Campaign
Join us in promoting the #KeepTeenWorkersSafe Campaign
Join us and many other safety organizations this month in promoting the #KeepTeenWorkersSafe campaign!
Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in ConstructionUse #StandDown4Safety to Promote the 8th Annual Event
Use #StandDown4Safety to Promote the 8th Annual Event
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) announced its eighth annual National Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction campaign will take place May 3-7, 2021.
Read the BCSP Partners eNewsletter’s Ninth IssueThe Partners eNewsletter Promotes Collaboration in the Advancement of SH&E
The Partners eNewsletter Promotes Collaboration in the Advancement of SH&E
The BCSP Partners eNewsletter’s ninth issue is now online.
Diagnosing and Preventing Cold StressHow to Keep Outside Workers Safe in Frigid Temperatures
How to Keep Outside Workers Safe in Frigid Temperatures
Cold stress is an umbrella term describing the type of occupational illness and injuries that can occur during frigid weather conditions. Cold stress can cause occupational illnesses and injuries like hypothermia, frostbite, trench foot, and chilblains.
BCSP’s 2021 SH&E Conference ListConferences BCSP is Attending this Year
Conferences BCSP is Attending this Year
Will you be attending any of the conferences mentioned in this article?