There are several very important changes going into effect in the coming year.
BCSP Alerts
Important Changes for Applicants, Candidates, and Certificants
2014 Current Changes IndexLatest Policy and Procedure Changes
Latest Policy and Procedure Changes
Below is the current year’s changes. Pay close attention to the Effective Dates as some policy changes may not go into affect until late 2014 or 2015.
2013 Current Changes IndexPast Years' Policy and Procedure Changes
Past Years' Policy and Procedure Changes
The policy changes, procedure updates and other modifications included on this page are part of our effort to keep an archive of announcements related to our certification process.
The information below is a record of changes made in the year indicated. It may not be current information accurately describing our policy and procedures now.
Check the current year’s changes index for the latest policy and procedure updates.
2012 Current Changes IndexPast Years' Policy and Procedure Changes
Past Years' Policy and Procedure Changes
The policy changes, procedure updates and other modifications included on this page are part of our effort to keep an archive of announcements related to our certification process.
The information below is a record of changes made in the year indicated. It may not be current information accurately describing our policy and procedures now.
Check the current year’s changes index for the latest policy and procedure updates.
2011 Current Changes IndexPast Years' Policy and Procedure Changes
Past Years' Policy and Procedure Changes
The policy changes, procedure updates and other modifications included on this page are part of our effort to keep an archive of announcements related to our certification process.
The information below is a record of changes made in the year indicated. It may not be current information accurately describing our policy and procedures now.
Check the current year’s changes index for the latest policy and procedure updates.
2010 Current Changes IndexPast Years' Policy and Procedure Changes
Past Years' Policy and Procedure Changes
The policy changes, procedure updates and other modifications included on this page are part of our effort to keep an archive of announcements related to our certification process.
The information below is a record of changes made in the year indicated. It may not be current information accurately describing our policy and procedures now.
Check the current year’s changes index for the latest policy and procedure updates.